Experience Sonamarg

Travel Around

Experience the best of Kashmir with Villa Himalaya's nature activities, trekking, and more.

Experience Sonamarg

To keep our guests occupied we are providing a list of places, which you can visit each day...

Nature Activities

The surrounding forests at the Villa Himalaya are pleasant for people who wish to explore and


The Villa Himalaya is a part of a larger community that has its own unique character and needs...

Special Interest Tours

Must Visit

To keep our guests occupied we are providing a list of places, which you can visit each day. You can also combine two or more, but that will be based on the places that lie next to each other. We have chosen a few that you can explore on your own or with our guides.

Zojila Pass

(23 kilometers / half a day trip)The word “La” means a pass (a gap between two huge mountain ranges). The word is derived from the Ladakhi dialact, which itself is a mixed form of Tibetan language. The Zojila pass commands a magnificent veiw of two regions “Kashmir and Ladakh”. On one side you will see the desolate barren landscape of Ladakh, known for its famous lamaseries and high altitude lakes. To the other side lies the famous Paradise on Earth – Kashmir, a land blessed with green forests, milky rivers and the Victorian houseboats. The pass is accessible from the base of Baltal and climbs up to an astounding 11 miles of rough road and steep cliffs.

The Baltal Corner

(18 kilometers / can be combined with Zojila pass)This place is relatively unknown on the travel circuit, but you will be surprised when we tell you that this is also the biggest tented camp area in the summers. This is because this little corner comes to life, when the annual Amarnath Yatra takes place in the months of June and July. The Baltal corner deserves a mention, because it lies in a ring of mountains and you will be amazed to see the cleft opening up as you near it. There are a few huts that are abandoned in the early winters and that is when it is the best time to visit. The corner lies at a distance of 23 kilometers from the resort.

Thajiwas glacier

(12 kilometers from resort / can be combined with Nilgrad village)The glacier is a great highlight in this mountain resort and it usually attracts a large number of people, who want to experience snow and the fun associated with it. The best thing to this place is that if you don’t find any snow in Gulmarg or Pahalgam, you are definitely going to be lucky to touch and experience it here. The glacier is accessed by a trail which takes around 01 hour of walk or 45 minutes by horseback. The area is awarded by high snow peaks which glisten when the light falls upon them. There are small streams of milky white water and yet smaller wooden bridges to cross them. You can opt to take our “Pleasure Basket Meal” along with you and enjoy a lavish picnic lunch in the meadows.

Naranag Temples

(takes 01 hour to reach / 45 kilometers from resort)Sonamarg was usually on the cross-roads of an invasion by the nomadic hordes of Central Asia and the first Moslem King of Kashmir was a fugitive prince who came via Sonamarg to be the founder of a kingdom. It is to this fact that the mountains of this region also became a bedrock of different religions which thrived with each invasion and culture. In this area you will be fascinated to explore the ancient temples of the Hindus – which is known as The Naranag Temple Complex. Known as one of the most important archaelogical sites, the complex consists of a cluster of temples facing each other. Dedicated to Lord Shiva by the 08th century ruler, Lalitaditya Muktadiya, the temples have a typical Aryan structure and the stones are sculpted in the culture of ancient hindus. You can visit the site after a journey of around 01 hour from the resort.